By | September 3, 2024
Little Johnny Jokes


Little Johnny jokes have been a staple in humor for years, known for their clever twists and often mischievous punchlines. Whether you’re looking to entertain friends or simply need a good laugh, these jokes are sure to deliver. Below are 200 brand-new, original Little Johnny jokes that you can enjoy and share with others.

1-20: Classic Little Johnny Jokes

  1. Teacher: “Johnny, why are you late?”
    Little Johnny: “Because class started before I got here!”
  2. Teacher: “Johnny, can you name the continents?”
    Little Johnny: “Sure, but why don’t we start with the small ones?”
  3. Teacher: “Johnny, what do you want to be when you grow up?”
    Little Johnny: “A grown-up!”
  4. Teacher: “Johnny, where’s your homework?”
    Little Johnny: “I ate it because you said it was a piece of cake!”
  5. Teacher: “Johnny, spell ‘crocodile’.”
    Little Johnny: “K-R-O-K-O-D-I-L-E.”
    Teacher: “That’s wrong!”
    Little Johnny: “Maybe, but you asked how I spell it.”
  6. Mom: “Johnny, clean your room.”
    Little Johnny: “But it’s not dirty, it’s just creative chaos!”
  7. Teacher: “Why did you put your homework in the freezer, Johnny?”
    Little Johnny: “I wanted to have cool answers!”
  8. Dad: “Johnny, how do you like school?”
    Little Johnny: “Closed!”
  9. Teacher: “Why are you doing your math homework on the floor?”
    Little Johnny: “Because you said not to use tables!”
  10. Mom: “Johnny, eat your vegetables.”
    Little Johnny: “I’m saving them for when I grow up big and strong.”
  11. Teacher: “Johnny, why are you drawing on the wall?”
    Little Johnny: “Because the paper is full!”
  12. Teacher: “Johnny, your essay on your dog is exactly like your brother’s!”
    Little Johnny: “Well, it’s the same dog!”
  13. Mom: “Johnny, what did you learn in school today?”
    Little Johnny: “Not enough. I have to go back tomorrow!”
  14. Teacher: “Johnny, why didn’t you do your homework?”
    Little Johnny: “I have a condition that prevents me from doing it.”
    Teacher: “What’s that?”
    Little Johnny: “It’s called ‘laziness.'”
  15. Dad: “Johnny, why did you break the window?”
    Little Johnny: “I wanted to see how the baseball would look on the other side.”
  16. Teacher: “Johnny, what’s the formula for water?”
    Little Johnny: “H-I-J-K-L-M-N-O.”
    Teacher: “What? That’s not right!”
    Little Johnny: “You said it’s H to O!”
  17. Mom: “Johnny, where’s your report card?”
    Little Johnny: “I lent it to a friend. He wanted to scare his parents.”
  18. Teacher: “Johnny, what’s the capital of France?”
    Little Johnny: “F.”
  19. Dad: “Johnny, did you finish your homework?”
    Little Johnny: “No, I finished thinking about it.”
  20. Teacher: “Johnny, why do you always sit next to the window?”
    Little Johnny: “So I can let my mind wander.”

21-40: Little Johnny at Home

  1. Mom: “Johnny, why did you eat all the cookies?”
    Little Johnny: “I was helping them escape from the jar.”
  2. Dad: “Johnny, where’s the remote?”
    Little Johnny: “It ran away with the cookie jar lid.”
  3. Mom: “Johnny, why didn’t you make your bed?”
    Little Johnny: “Why should I? I’m just going to mess it up again tonight!”
  4. Dad: “Johnny, what do you want for dinner?”
    Little Johnny: “Reservations.”
  5. Mom: “Johnny, you have to share your toys with your sister.”
    Little Johnny: “But sharing means I get half back, right?”
  6. Dad: “Johnny, who ate the cake?”
    Little Johnny: “The invisible man… I mean, I didn’t see who did it.”
  7. Mom: “Johnny, why didn’t you feed the dog?”
    Little Johnny: “I was saving him for dinner.”
  8. Dad: “Johnny, why are you watching TV when you have homework?”
    Little Johnny: “I’m multitasking – learning from the commercials.”
  9. Mom: “Johnny, clean your room or no dessert!”
    Little Johnny: “Can I choose the dessert and skip the cleaning?”
  10. Dad: “Johnny, why are you writing on the walls?”
    Little Johnny: “I’m creating a masterpiece!”
  11. Mom: “Johnny, why are you wearing your shoes in the house?”
    Little Johnny: “To save time when I go out again!”
  12. Dad: “Johnny, why are you wearing your pants backwards?”
    Little Johnny: “So I can see where I’ve been.”
  13. Mom: “Johnny, who left the door open?”
    Little Johnny: “The wind, probably. It has a key!”
  14. Dad: “Johnny, how did the cookie jar break?”
    Little Johnny: “It tried to run away, but I caught it!”
  15. Mom: “Johnny, stop jumping on the bed!”
    Little Johnny: “I’m practicing my astronaut skills.”
  16. Dad: “Johnny, why did you spill the milk?”
    Little Johnny: “The glass was tired, so it took a nap.”
  17. Mom: “Johnny, where did you learn to talk like that?”
    Little Johnny: “From the cat. It’s always meowing!”
  18. Dad: “Johnny, did you finish your vegetables?”
    Little Johnny: “Yes, they’re hidden under the mashed potatoes.”
  19. Mom: “Johnny, why are you wearing your hat indoors?”
    Little Johnny: “To keep my ideas warm!”
  20. Dad: “Johnny, why are you standing on the chair?”
    Little Johnny: “I’m trying to reach new heights!”

41-60: Little Johnny at School

  1. Teacher: “Johnny, why is your homework sticky?”
    Little Johnny: “I thought it needed a little syrup.”
  2. Teacher: “Johnny, what’s the square root of 16?”
    Little Johnny: “A round number!”
  3. Teacher: “Johnny, why are you staring at the clock?”
    Little Johnny: “I’m timing how long it takes for class to end.”
  4. Teacher: “Johnny, what did you write for your essay?”
    Little Johnny: “I wrote a story about a lost pencil.”
  5. Teacher: “Johnny, where’s your project?”
    Little Johnny: “I’m working on a sequel.”
  6. Teacher: “Johnny, why do you have so many erasers?”
    Little Johnny: “To fix my mistakes!”
  7. Teacher: “Johnny, why are you always daydreaming?”
    Little Johnny: “Because my dreams are better than math class.”
  8. Teacher: “Johnny, why did you draw on your desk?”
    Little Johnny: “I wanted to make it more interesting.”
  9. Teacher: “Johnny, what’s the capital of Spain?”
    Little Johnny: “S.”
  10. Teacher: “Johnny, why didn’t you finish your test?”
    Little Johnny: “I was saving some answers for later.”
  11. Teacher: “Johnny, why are you talking in class?”
    Little Johnny: “I’m practicing my speech for when I’m famous.”
  12. Teacher: “Johnny, what’s the formula for speed?”
    Little Johnny: “How fast you can run away from homework!”
  13. Teacher: “Johnny, why are you late?”
    Little Johnny: “I took the scenic route to school.”
  14. Teacher: “Johnny, why are you chewing gum in class?”
    Little Johnny: “It helps me concentrate… on the gum.”
  15. Teacher: “Johnny, what’s your favorite subject?”
    Little Johnny: “Recess!”
  16. Teacher: “Johnny, where’s your textbook?”
    Little Johnny: “It’s on a vacation in my locker.”
  17. Teacher: “Johnny, why are you always the last to leave?”
    Little Johnny: “I’m making sure the classroom is safe.”
  18. Teacher: “Johnny, what did you learn today?”
    Little Johnny: “That school is still boring.”
  19. Teacher: “Johnny, why are you hiding



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